Je apríl! Verili by ste tomu? Ešte teraz mám v hlave ako sme oslavovali Nový rok a štvrť roka je za nami. Tak nejako nestíhame sledovať, ako to rýchlo letí. Obdobie zimy na náš vkus trvalo príliš dlho a už sa nevieme dočkať slniečka.
April is here! Would you believe that? I can still see ourselves celebrating the New Year like it was yesterday, but in fact another 4 months passed by. In a rush of everyday’s life we haven’t quite noticed how quickly time flies. The winter lasted a bit too long in our opinion and we can’t wait to see the Sun again.
Zimu sme tu v Brightone zažili po prvýkrát a musíme povedať, že trvalo dlhšie ako by sa nám žiadalo. Chceli sme si ju skrátiť príjemným jarným marcovým víkendom na Slovensku, kedy nám rodina spokojne hlásila 18 stupňov, bol to však len výstrel počasia a s naším príchodom sme priniesli mraky a dážď aj na Slovensko (prepáčte). Počasie sa už lepší aj tu a slniečko zopárkrát na oblohu zablúdilo. Hovoríme “chvalabohu” pretože tej zimy a dažďa bolo dosť! Dažďa sa asi úplne nezbavíme, predsa len sme v Anglicku, ale aspoň pri ňom nezmrzneme.
We have experienced the winter here in Brighton for the first time ever and I have to admit that it has been longer than any of us expected. Therefore we have decided in March to visit Slovakia as our welcoming family convinced us to come and enjoy with them the days with temperatures up to 18 Degrees. But as soon as we arrived, we have noticed that the clouds and rain have decided to follow us all the way from Brighton (Sorry, guys). The weather is now slowly getting better and the Sun has already shown up couple of times. “Thankfully”, we say, as we can’t stand any more cold and rainy days. Unfortunately, rain is part of England’s weather so there is not much we can do about it, but at least we won’t be freezing anymore.
Čo sme však stihli za tie mesiace? Bolo a stále je to bláznivé. Nie len my ale aj ľudia, ktorí tu žijú už dlhšie priznávajú, že čas tu letí akosi rýchlejšie, dni plynú bez rozdielu a často máme problém zorientovať sa, aký je deň. Sezóna sa tu pomaličky začína a ľudí na ulici diametrálne pribúda. My sme sa ponorili do niekoľkých projektov a čas tak nejako nevnímame. Som rada, že umenie nepozná hranice a svoje fotografické zručnosti môžem uplatňovať aj tu. Tí, ktorí ma poznajú vedia, že fotografia tvorí jednu veľkú súčasť mojej osobnosti už takmer 10 rokov a neprestávam ani za hranicami. Nie som jediná, kto sa zaujíma o fotografiu. Oli sa postupne vydal na túto dráhu tiež (dobrovoľne a sám). Čo viac si človek môže priať?
What has happened though during those 4 months? It was and still is very crazy. It’s not just us who feel like the days go faster, you can’t tell one day apart of another and we often struggle to figure out what day it actually is. The season is just about to start and the town is getting busier now and us too. We have undertaken several projects recently and we don’t pay much of an attention what is really happening around. Therefore I am glad I can still apply my skills as a Photographer here, as my friends and most other People know how much Photographs mean to me and that they have been big part of my Life for over 10 years. Obviously, I am not the only one who cares about Photography. Oliver is another example of a person that decided to walk the same path and he voluntarily started to learn more about it. What can one want more?
Tešíte sa aj vy z príchodu jari? My si už teraz plánujeme ďalšiu cestu na Slovensko, kde nás už budú čakať slniečko, jar a príjemné fotenia.
Are you enjoying the arrival of the Spring as much as we are? We have planned another trip to Slovakia already, where hopefully the Sun will be awaiting us this time.
PS: Máme novinku, naše články nájdete odteraz aj v anglickej verzií, aby nám rozumeli aj naši zahraniční priatelia.
By the way we have good news for you. Our articles will now also be available in English, so that our foreign friends can read them too.